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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    DNA/RNA Shield Fecal Collection Tube

    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    R1101 DNA/RNA Shield-Fecal Collection Tube 10 pack $95.50
    - +
    R1137 DNA/RNA Shield Fecal Collection Tube (with Beads) 10 pack $95.50
    - +

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    Description & Documents Specifications FAQ Citations


    Product Description

    DNA/RNA Shield Fecal Collection tubes are designed for the collection and preservation of nucleic acids from stool specimens. These fecal collection tubes take a microbial snapshot of a sample while inactivating viruses making samples safe and ready for transport. Samples stored in these fecal collection tubes are stable at ambient temperature, and can be frozen for longer-term storage. Simply collect a spoonful of the specimen into the stool collection tubes prefilled with preservative and shake vigorously to ensure proper stabilization. R1137 is pre-filled with 5 glass beads to help facilitate homogenization.

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    Technical Specifications

    Applicable For Next-Generation Sequencing, qPCR, microarray
    Device Specs R1101: 20 x 76 mm screw cap tube prefilled with DNA/RNA Shield (9mL). Spoon attached to screwcap.

    R1137: 20 x 76 mm screw cap tube prefilled with DNA/RNA Shield (4mL) and 5 glass beads. Spoon attached to screwcap.
    Device Storage 5-30°C, 24 months
    Sample Collection 1g or 1mL stool sample
    Sample Source Stool, soil, environmental samples
    Stability RNA: Ambient temperature
    (4°C- 25°C) at least 1 month
    DNA: Ambient temperature
    (4°C- 25°C) at least 2 years
    DNA & RNA: Frozen
    (< -20°C): Indefinitely


    This can happen on occasion due to transport or storage at lower temperatures. The reagent functionality is not affected; however, the precipitate can be resolved by heating the reagent to >37 °C.

    No, tissues do not need to be homogenized.

    Transfer tissues in to DNA RNA Shield at room temperature, submerge. Tissue can be homogenized or stored frozen prior to homogenization.

    Yes, sort directly into DNA/RNA Shield (e.g. Collect 100 µl of FACS sorted cells into minimally 400 µl of DNA/RNA Shield).

    DNA & RNA (<-20°C): Indefinitely

    RNA > 1 month
    DNA > 2 years

    DNA/RNA Shield can be used on a wide variety of sample types including cells, tissues, biological fluids (plasma, serum, saliva, urine), and environmental samples (feces, plants, swabs, etc.).

    Yes, extracted nucleic acids are stabilized in DNA/RNA Shield. Prior to downstream applications, clean-up the sample via the appropriate Zymo Research clean-up kit (Genomic DNA Clean and Concentrator (gDCC), DNA Clean and Concentrator (DCC), and RNA Clean and Concentrator (RCC)).

    Yes, the product can be customized, including but not limited to: label, fill, number of glass beads, packaging, and more. See more options on the Custom Solutions Page.

    Avoid mixing the reagent and bleach (sodium hypochlorite) or other strong oxidizing agents and acids. Clean up any accidental spills with water first.

    “I’m a Zymo fan! DNA/RNA Shield is a great product. It works great on my precious samples. I trust Zymo Research products and they have great tech support!!”

    - Laura T. (USDA)

    “We use DNA/RNA shield and it works well with adults mosquitoes, larvae, eggs. We store it at RT for weeks and at -4°C or -20°C for months, never saw any DNA degradation.”

    - Umberto P. (University of Pavia)

    “I did an assay using RNA/DNA shield and it works perfect. The product have excellent reproducibility when stored at 4°C for up to a month.”

    - Maha AE. (University of Florida)

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