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    Zymo-Spin V-P Column Assembly w/ 15 ml and 50 ml Reservoir

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    C1042-5 Zymo-Spin V-P Column Assembly w/ 15 ml and 50 ml Reservoir 5 Pack $74.80
    - +

    Product Description

    Available as a refill for the ZymoPURE Plasmid Maxiprep Kit. The versatile Zymo-Spin V-P with 15 ml conical and 50 ml reservoirs can be used in centrifuges or on-vacuum manifolds for the purification of plasmid DNA. The Zymo-Spin V-P features durable polypropylene construction and a unique silica-based matrix that allows for purification of up to 1.2 mg of plasmid DNA in ≥ 200 µl eluate when used in combination with ZymoPURE Plasmid Prep buffers. Capacity with reservoir assembly is 65 ml.

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